eXtraordinary Solutions for every sector

A healthy and productive work environment, an empowered and engaged workforce and improved service quality/ability to drive continuous improvement is the core of Total Experience (TX). This is the combination of Employee Experience (EX) and Customer Experiences (CX). Together they have the power to enhance an organisations reputation if used effectively. TX delivers eXtrordinary solutions for every sector.


Elevate the future of education and enhance outcomes for schools and communities. Amplify research, catalyse social impact, and inspire scientific breakthroughs.

Higher Education & Further Education

Elevate digital learning with secure anytime, anywhere access to learning tools – creating a sustainable competitive advantage for future success.


Embrace a modern, agile, cloud-first contact centre for today’s agents. Optimise key business transactions with a complete view of the online customer journey

Local Government

Empower public servants with 360° view for personalised digital citizen experiencesEnsure equal opportunities for all – including the digitally marginalised.


Harness extreme compute capacity for unmatched power, performance, and precision. Unleash AI resilience for tactical excellence, empowering productivity when and where it matters most.


Provide care professionals with the right tools for focused community care delivery. Boost patient outcomes with transparent, integrated digital health and care services.


Increase officer efficiency and security with smart workspaces for faster risk evaluation. Identify sensitive data across your it estate, categorise high-risk data, and secure it to minimise risk.

Scotland, Wales & Ireland

Discover the right balance of compute, data centre and print technologies, to empower connectivity, mobility and security and collaboration across the whole of the self-governing nations.

Central Government

Discover how partnering with XMA can help enhance public service delivery.Our purpose is simple. To deliver IT solutions which enable public sector organisations.
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