Implementing a lifestyle approach for better patient care

XMA, HPE Financial Services and Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust

XMA has been partnering with HPE Financial Services for years on solving end-user dilemmas around end-of-life equipment. “What used to be a problem for our customers – what to do with equipment they no longer want or need – is becoming an opportunity,” says Andy Wright, XMA Commercial Director. “Virtually every company, especially those in public sector, have sustainability goals and their IT departments have the opportunity to contribute significantly by working with specialists to remarket equipment instead of sending it to a landfill or even recycling it. It’s called a circular economy approach.”

Gloucestershire Care Services is no different. According to Ben, the Trust supports environmental sustainability through a series of initiatives including reducing water usage, energy consumption and waste to landfills. “GCS is intent on reducing waste throughout the services we administer to patients and our own operations. HPE Financial Services has an excellent reputation in extending the use of devices by remarketing them which fits perfectly with our corporate sustainability objectives.”

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