Supporting local employability workshops

Utilising key staff across XMA and our partners businesses, we run employability workshops within the University that will support the embedding of employability skills in areas such as:

  • ­ Team working and collaboration
  •  Business and customer awareness
  •  Application of IT­
  • Self-management
  •  Interview and presentation skills
  •  CV workshops
  •  Problem solving­
  • Communication and digital literacy

XMA already support the CBI’s employability initiative and Guy Bates from XMA recently coached a group of PhD students as part of the Digital Economy YES Programme’s (Young Entrepreneurs Scheme) in business planning, supporting each group’s business concept and preparing them for their Dragons’ Den style interviews for funding.

As a STEAM ambassador, Guy has also recently supported a joint project with the University of Nottingham to promote careers in science, technology, engineering and maths.

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