Sustainability in the community

Sustainability in ICT

XMA coordinated the running of a community competition that focused on eWell-Being in the sustainable use of ICT. . We tasked community teams with investigating and demonstrating available energy and cost savings for their buildings and IT infrastructures, with them presenting their finding to the University and XMA senior teams for judging.

XMA ran a similar event in Djanogly City Academy, Nottingham, where collectively the students demonstrated a number of ideas that would yield a return on investment within 18 months, many of these were implemented; such as low energy bulb swaps, automatic shutdown of various energy consuming devices and promoting best practice with users. This project would contribute to both the Community Engagement and Sustainability areas of the University Social Impact Strategy.

As an ISO14001 accredited supplier XMA can also raise awareness of this standard with both the student cohort and across the local community. Our Environmental and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies mandate adherence to UK and international CSR legislation, including the minimum ethical sourcing standards. These policies also encompass compliance with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) “Declaration of Fundamental Principals and Rights of Work”.


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