Creative Intelligence: The Awakening (iPad edition)

Responding to issues, understanding opinions, activating creative instinct.

Building culture. Instigating change. Deducing potential.

In July 2019, we were enlightened with a youthful outlook on creativity and global concern. We understand the power of societal influxes and demands into our own lives, and how many attitudes and beliefs become stronger as we mature. However creativity through all ages via drawing gives us a chance to express our personal visions. It is those visions we mentally visualise which make us human, which appeal to our instincts, what makes us – us, which makes for interesting and diverse discoveries. 

As part of our ‘Everyone Can Create’ campaign and equipped with an iPad and pencil, we invited school children to create an imaginative drawing to share with us, alongside a short description explaining their motivation behind their piece. To our admiration, we received several entries displaying signs of concern for our environment and planet. 

Reflecting upon this mirrors findings from Bernardos in 2004, where they deducted how children want to help protect their local environments from less traffic, less litter and more green space. Sixteen years later in 2020, we’ve seen a tremendous rise in planet protection, especially in 2019 with, for example, the rise in veganism and new laws restricting the manufacture of single use plastics. As time passes, our intelligence and awareness of our surroundings heightens as we create a safe culture for the new generations to live in.

As highlighted by Bernardos, ‘children are a powerful symbol of the future’ which provides us with an even more compelling reason to protect the environment.

Task: If we gave you the task of producing an imaginative drawing of your own desire, have a think of what you could do. If you fancy having a go, unleash your creative freedom, grab an iPad and get drawing – our inbox is always open!

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