Hybrid Workspace

Evolving to the Hybrid Workspace.

Providing a hybrid workspace is about bringing together – intelligently – our physical and digital workspaces. This working practice enables staff to work whenever, wherever and however they choose.

There are many benefits to organisations when it comes to hybrid working, including:


Engaged employees provide better service to customers, are more productive, are less likely to leave taking their skills with them, and instead are more likely to encourage like-minded peers to join firms they perceive to be good for them.

Studies from research firm CEBR show a demand for more flexible working is up from a tenth in 2019 and 32% of people are expecting to partially work from home after the coronavirus threat is over.

In addition, ZK Research recently ran a Work From Home Survey which found 62% of companies are planning to bring a critical mass of workers back into offices in four months or less.

Digital Workspace

Many businesses are still discovering the opportunities enabled by their digital capability. Now is the time to ensure these changes are positive developments which will lead to future growth.


Physical Workspace

Having reduced the number of workers in your building and enabled employees to work from home – how do you develop the right plan for the future? What should that future look like?


Working in Partnership

XMA’s specialists work closely with your organisation to create workspace transformation programmes that support a culture of engagement, collaboration and innovation, which is always underpinned by a multi-layered security approach.

We engage with:


To design smart office environments that support different types of working needs.


To remove technology barriers and deliver secure, personalised user experiences.

Human Resources

And business unit leaders to prepare and support people through the transformation.

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