Physical Workspace

Future-Proofing Physical Spaces.


Having reduced the number of workers in your building and enabled employees to work from home – how do you develop the right plan for the future? What should that future look like?

Flexibility for employees, as well as the provision of a safe smart office environment, are essential. But, how do you balance the demands of implementing effective employee welfare strategies, providing employees with a sense of safety and satisfaction and obtaining insights to inform future design and strategy?

Solutions & Outcomes

As a leading technology organisation with a strong ecosystem of like-minded smart office partners, we help reduce the noise and take away the guesswork regarding which technologies should be considered for your smart office strategy. Our approach enables organisations to start small and scale up, opening up new possibilities for operational efficiencies.

Workspace Express

Fit for Now. Tactical fixes to boost employer and employee confidence before looking at long-term solutions.

Wellness Checks

Prevent the spread of infection by enabling employees to communicate honestly and clearly about their health and wellbeing.

Contact Tracing

Enable a contactless sign in and out process for all staff and visitors. Instantly access records for contact tracing or other emergency needs.

Occupancy Insights

Track key factors such as realtime people count, density and movement between zones to make informed space planning decisions.

Workspace Engage

Fit for Tomorrow. Applying nimble innovations that focus on the user experience to increase productivity and engagement.

Smart Workspace

Enable employees to book spaces for specific activities. Prevent used spaces being rebooked until they have been sanitised.

Smart Meetings

Bridge the gap between legacy and modern video conferencing platforms and enhance the audio quality to make meetings more productive.

Smart Documents

Adopt contactless printing solutions. Replace manual processes with automated workflows to free up your employees to focus on more value-add work.

  • Workspace Evolve

    Fit for the Future. Helping you evolve to the Hybrid Workspace by bringing together the Physical and Digital Workspace.

    This working practice enables staff to work whenever, wherever and however they choose. There are many benefits to organisations when it comes to hybrid working.

    These include:
    ● Increasing employee performance and engagement.
    ● Ensuring physical spaces are used more efficiently.
    ● Providing a personalised digital workspace experience.

    Why choose XMA?

    Our flexible and proven approach enables organisations to leverage the right mix of technology and professional services to meet their individual needs.

    Get in touch.

    Want to discuss your Physical Workspace strategy with a member of our team? Complete an enquiry form now.

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