What does the Modern Classroom look like today?

Joined by Steve Beswick at Microsoft Education and Dr Steven Bunce at XMA, host Samia Kenley discusses what schools need to consider for their teaching and learning environments, now we have entered a new academic year. We will be taking a closer look at the concept of the Modern Classroom and the impact it can have in today’s education system. Our key discussion points include:

  • How would you define the Modern Classroom?
  • How can this shape learning into modern learning?
  • How can we prepare our young people for the modern workplace?


Samia Kenley
Marketing Manager

Guest Speaker

Steve Beswick
Business Development Director
Microsoft Education (Corporate)

Guest Speaker

Dr Steven Bunce
Professional Learning Specialist

The Modern Classroom is more than just a physical space.

  • With the use of technology learning can happen anywhere, at anytime.
  • Modern learning is not just about ‘what’ you are learning, but more about ‘how’ you are learning it.

Technology can introduce new ways of learning and teaching.

  • Technology offers a modern approach to learning by providing a wide range of tools to suit all needs and levels of capabilities.
  • Through the introduction of apps and tools that help manage teacher workloads, you can give back valuable time to your teachers.
  • Support and training for educators is vital when applying EdTech to your modern classroom, to ensure it is fully embraced and utilised.

The Modern Classroom needs to prepare pupils for the Modern Workplace.

  • Technology is central to everything that we do both at home and in the workplace.
  • Learners can gain great transferable skills in the Modern Classroom including creativity and collaboration, to prepare them for the Modern Workplace.
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