How do you make the switch without disrupting your operations or compromising your data?
In this article, we’ll show you how to switch MDM provider in 10 easy steps. Follow these steps and you’ll be on your way to a smoother, smarter, and safer MDM experience.
- Assess your current MDM solution
First thing’s first, take stock of your current MDM software. Ultimately, if your MDM solution is not fulfilling your needs or requirements, this is the time to make the change. Have a look at what you’re happy with, and what needs improvement. We can help provide a full assessment of your MDM solution. Next, it’s time to do some research!
- Do your research
Take your time to thoroughly research potential MDM providers. Remember, put the effort in now to save headaches down the line! Some considerations to be taken are feature sets, compatibility with existing platforms/devices, security measures, scalability, and user-friendliness. It’s always useful to read up on case studies from other companies your size or in your industry.
- Backup data, settings, and configurations
Make sure your data is backed up! This way, if any critical data gets lost during the transition, it’s safe and sound in the backup. Key things to back up from your current MDM provider include settings, configurations, apps, and user profiles. By partnering with XMA, we can make sure that it’s all backed up should anything happen!
- Inform stakeholders
It should go without saying, but make sure all relevant stakeholders have been informed about the change. Whilst informing them, you can put your well-done research to work and present your case for a new MDM provider.
- Initiate a test phase
Test the new MDM solution with a small group of users before rolling it out organisation wide. This allows you to identify and address any issues before full implementation. Our experts should help you breeze through this stage.
- Begin deployment
Install the new software, configure settings, and enrol devices as needed. For complete peace of mind, you can leave it in our capable hands. At XMA, we can assist with deployment, support and can even act as a new service team and manage your entire device estate for you.
- Training and onboarding
You may have amazing MDM software, but if your team don’t know how to properly utilise it, then efficiency will fall through the floor. We’ll find you the perfect MDM provider that will have onboarding resources and training, including tutorials, FAQs, and support channels.
- Monitor and evaluate
So, everyone’s enrolled now. Time to sit back and relax? Not so! You will need to closely monitor how your new MDM solution is performing. Make sure to regularly collect feedback from your users and evaluate if this new MDM software is fulfilling your organisation’s needs. XMA can help keep on top of monitoring and evaluating your new MDM solution.
- Keep backups and decommission your previous MDM solution
When you’re sure that your new MDM provider is right for you, start the process of safely decommissioning your previous solution. Keep your backups secure and end your old MDM solution.
- The end?
After all that, are we done? As you well know, technology is always changing, so you should make it a point to constantly evaluate whether your MDM is fit for your needs. As your organisation grows, you may find yourself needing functions you didn’t before, or that your current solution no longer does the job. However, fear not! That’s simply the nature of working in an ever-connected, ever-growing world. We simply repeat the cycle again.
Switching to a new Mobile Device Management (MDM) software provider seems like a daunting task, but it can also be a rewarding one. By switching to a more advanced and secure MDM solution, you can improve your organisation’s efficiency, security, and productivity.
At XMA, we specialise in finding the right MDM solutions for the right organisations. Together, we’ll find the best MDM solution for your needs, so you can make the switch with confidence and peace of mind. Find out more today.