There’s a wide variety of benefits that can be seen by organisations who introduce MPS, from cost reduction through to reducing your environmental footprint. Let’s take a look at the top 4 benefits your business could experience from MPS.
Flexibility- Businesses change. Especially in this current climate and through MPS you can tailor your own printing solution with options to reduce fleet size or change device mid contract enabling a printing solution that adapts to your changing business needs.
Reduction in costs- By instructing a specialist to firstly carry out an audit on your current print fleet you can benefit from consolidating your current printers or replacing them with efficient newer technology which can reduce printing costs overall by up to 30%.
Sustainability- An introduction of MPS to your organisation can dramatically reduce waste and lower your environmental footprint by identifying fleet areas that can be rationalised and implementing rules around best practices for printing within your workforce.
Print Less- Overall a Managed Print Solution will focus on monitoring print usage and maximising efficiencies. XMA’s ‘Print less’ solution is based upon three pillars: sustainability, flexibility through innovation and a focus on delivering an outstanding service.
For more information on how your organisation can benefit from the above and introduce a managed print solution, Email: