
Consideration for the environment is at the core of everything we do. We undergo regular independent audits to demonstrate our commitment to improvement through reducing:

Our electrical consumption Icon

Our electrical consumption

The amount of waste that goes to landfill Icon

The amount of waste that goes to landfill

Our carbon footprint Icon

Our carbon footprint

We meet our environmental goals by assessing our environmental impact at every stage of our service to you, and throughout the lifecycle of our products.

You can find our environmental policy and certification here

Ordering and payment processes

We understand that some of our customers prefer to use paper and postal methods when ordering products but will always aim to assist our customers in moving to one of our alternative, more environmentally friendly ordering methods such as:

• Phone
• Email
• Online ordering via our website
• E-purchasing through edi or xml
• Punch-out systems using market place solutions
• Electronic invoicing

Delivery and distribution

Our carrier companies are carefully selected because they consistently deliver on an accurate, timely and environmentally friendly basis and are committed to their environmental programmes by reducing their carbon use and minimising waste using initiatives such as:

• Reducing fuel consumption by aiming for first time delivery and therefore reducing the number of second delivery attempts.
• Eco-start vehicles
• Using distribution by road and not air where possible
• Trialling environmentally friendly commercial vehicles
• Offering ‘green’ schemes and support to customers


We assess the environmental impact of our Longbow products on an ongoing basis:

• Ability to recycle products through the 'Hand it Back' programme
• Annual reviews with Tier One manufacturing partners to assess their progress against targets
• All partners to clearly display their eco-labels, either on their products or within their marketing materials
• All products must offer 80% efficient power supplies to comply with the new, more stringent ENERGY STAR 6.1 regulations


Alongside our manufacturing partners, we ensure packaging reduction, re-use and recycling techniques are used at all possible stages:

• We use our ‘Swapit’ tote box instead of the traditional cardboard boxes
• Utilising standard pre-printed product labels
• Using recycled shredded paper for inbox filling
• Packing products in inflatable bags before they are boxed
We monitor and measure all waste streams with an objective of reducing waste to landfill year on year.

Related Information

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Monitoring by Hotjar Monitoring by Hotjar
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