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XMA named sole catalogue supplier on framework with National Procurement Service

XMA have been awarded the opportunity to provide a wide range of off-the-shelf IT products to meet a variety of requirements across the Welsh Public Sector. Named sole supplier for the supply of a Commodity IT Hardware Catalogue, this framework is the All Wales Framework Agreement for the Supply of IT products and Services (ii).

The objective of the Agreement is to create a 1-stop-shop for IT commodity products and related services, enabling IT service departments to meet all requirements from a single framework; It also aims to reflect current technology, whilst ensuring sufficient flexibility to meet technology changes in the digital and IT market.

The catalogue range will include the supply of (but not limited to):

  • peripherals (i.e. printers, scanners, USB memory sticks, external hard drives, web cams, keyboards, mouse devices, speakers, digital cameras etc.);
  • consumables (i.e. storage disks, cables, spares/ replacement parts, tools for repairs/ cleaning materials);
  • ancillary products (digital cameras, Dictaphones, etc.); and
  • low volume hardware purchases (smartphones, monitors, tablets, laptops etc.).

The full agreement consists of five lots, of which XMA have been named sole supplier on Lot 1, as well as achieving a place on Lots 2 and 5.
Lot 1: Commodity IT Hardware Catalogue
Lot 2: IT Hardware
Lot 3: Licensing and Subscriptions
Lot 4: Audio Visual
Lot 5: Solutions

Ian Cunningham, Sales & Marketing Director at XMA had this to say:

“XMA are delighted to be selected as partner to the National Procurement Service for Wales in the provision of a National IT commodity products eCatalogue. Our appointment is a reflection of the commitment we have to providing Public Sector customers in Wales with the most cost effective, broad ranging IT products, all delivered through our market leading eCommerce platform.”

The catalogue is accessible, secure and offers value for money. The catalogue is now live and you are invited to register your interest here.

NPS Wales - Commodity IT Hardware Catalogue
I confirm I am happy to be contacted by XMA regarding the supply of IT goods and services, including the Commodity IT Hardware Catalogue.

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