How do you engage your staff in developing learning?
How can teachers amplify the learning with technology?
How can you create and develop your vision for learning?
Preparing and developing your staff is so important. We support teaching and learning, using a bespoke coaching and mentoring model. This can support new staff or continue to develop more-experienced members of your team.
XMA Apple Professional Learning Specialists are our in-house coaching and learning consultants. Our innovative team has experience as senior leaders and teachers, from early years, primary, secondary and higher education.
Education strategic planning is a real strength of our team. A clear vision and plan needs to be in place for the technology to be implemented successfully.
We can offer hands-on sessions that are held at your school, college or university. They are tailored to your specific needs, to make sure you’re using your Apple products most effectively. We can introduce new ideas for teaching, enable co-creation of resources and collaboratively reflect on the learning.
The Apple Teacher programme helps teachers to start their journey with iPad and Mac. Through a series of modules, we can show how the tools can be integrated into daily lessons. As teachers develop, we can support through bespoke sessions, to move their practice forward.
Coding has become a real focus, from early years into primary and secondary schools. We can model effective practice in the classroom, with hands-on lessons and team-teaching with staff. Developing collaboration and team-work, we build confidence and effective problem-solving, with a progressive coding curriculum.
Apple Professional Learning is essential to coach, mentor and support teachers in advancing their practice.